Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Spoiled Little Princess

I think this is totally cute, and it doesn't help that I think she kind of looks like my daughter.

I found this at Barnes and Nobles. I love going there, I could probably spend a whole day there just browsing and browsing. I found books to read, which I added to my To Read list. And I found cute mugs and journals and kits and pretty much anything to keep me happy and entertained.

Oh and this totally skips topic but I had heard on a TV show long ago that when people go to the book store they feel relaxed and get the urge to use the restroom. Well, I spent quite a bit of time by the restroom entrance since that was where the kids books were placed. And sure enough, there were TONS of people going to the restroom!

Owl Cushion!

I had to run to the grocery store today during my lunch break to get a new shower curtain. The shower curtain I had said it was machine washable, but apparently they said that to get you to buy more shower curtains because when I washed the curtain it ended up with multiple tears in it.

Anyways so I go to the grocery store and I HAVE to look at everything there. I looked at the stationary section since I'm looking for a new notebook for work, and I looked through toys to check for sales/clearance deals. Then I finally got to the shower curtain area and found something I didn't expect to see there at all.

They had the most adorable owl cushion ever! Little dancing owls in different colors! I love, love, love this cushion! Who would have thought the grocery store would have something so cute!?

I could get the cushion for my home. It would  totally fit in. But cushions kind of bother me on sofas and beds. They look nice but they're a nuisance, something that soon ends up tossed aside or thrown on the floor.

Could I get it for my cube at work? Um...suppose I could but I guess it would look super awkward just propped up against the wall.

Maybe there's a way to repurpose the cushion so I can appreciate the cute owls without the inconveniences of the cushion form it currently is in.

Got any ideas?

Saturday, May 26, 2012

F*ck This Arrow Post-Its

Oh how I wish I could get away with using these at work. It would be hilarious as a joke on days you're feeling goofy. And it would just be awesome on days when you really hate your job and you wanna let your boss have it. Let's admit it, we all have those days, right?

This just got me thinking about the ethics training we all had to take at work recently. It was funny how taking this course put all these ideas in our heads of inappropriate behavior and inappropriate things to say. For the two weeks after the training we were all very "badly" behaved, joking around about how unethical we were being. These post-its would have been fun to have then.

And I just noticed how the color goes from yellow to read as your F-this meter goes up. LOL nice.

Take one...

I think these "take one" ads(?) are pretty cool. I'm secretly (not anymore) very drawn to them. I found an example of one online a while back that said "Free Smiles, Take One", with smiles on the tabs. I made my own and put it up at work. It was really fun seeing people take them, then put them up in their cubes. Then a guy at work made a version that was a butt. It looked like this: (_|_). That was funny.
I think it would be fun to start posting these funny "take one" ads in random places. Thing is, it would be hard to check up on them to see if anyone's taking them. Which for me was half the fun. 

Plant Curtain

What a neat way to use these plants! I'd have never thought to do this. It reminds me of the Japanese noren curtains that are hung on doorways. I guess you would have a shelf with a planter in it above the doorway and let the plants hang down. It would be best to have it in a bright room with little traffic going through this doorway so the plants don't get battered. But it's definitely unexpected and pretty. I bet it would be a good way for the plant to do its job as an air purifier too. I wonder what other plants you could do this with. We had a goldfish plant that grew fast and long like that. Maybe you could try it with one of those.


I loooooooove the look of this bedroom! I love the shape, the windows, the mattress on the floor, everything. I guess this isn't really a teepee because aren't those more like tents? But a tent version wouldn't have all the big windows and beautiful wood structure. I actually wonder if this isn't a room at the top of some really neat house. Like one of those houses that look like castles, with the cone shaped roofs on top of little sections of the house that jot off? Or this could be a really neat cabin somewhere. I'd definitely love to go stay in a cabin like this. It would be neat if you can lie in the bed and see stars outside. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Handmade Streetscape

This reminds me of when I had to make little houses and buildings in art class in elementary school.
One time we took glass bottles and put clay around them to look like Gaudi's buildings in Spain.

Our bottle buildings didn't actually look this cool. But it did broaden my world view.

The houses we built focused more on the interior rather than the exterior. I don't think we ever put the houses together but it would have been cool to have put them side by side like a neighborhood.